Stan Hollamby from Bourne, passed his driving test today with just 3 driving faults.

Stan booked up his driving course so that the in-car driving training was covered over 8 days.  He drove three times in Peterborough, in Spalding, Sleaford, Grantham, Stamford and Boston.

He passed his driving test the very next day after completing his BIG TOM intensive driving course, and said: “Fantastic!! Managed to pass my test first time after just 9 days with Tom. Would totally recommend to everyone”

Owner of BIG TOM, Tom Ingram says:

“This is what our driving training is all about.  There really is no substitute for preparing pupils for real-life driving, than giving them experience of driving around in different towns and cities.  Full credit to Stan for engaging in our pre-driving resources.  It just goes to show what can be achieved over a period of less than two weeks.”