At BIG TOM we recognise there are two distinct phases of learning that go into developing a safe, “thinking” driver: the initial driving actions required to control and operate the car, and discovering what affects your own driving behaviours. 


The first challenge of effectively operating the car is one that our customers can practise away in a safe environment with as much or as little verbal assistance from the driving instructor as the pupil chooses.  The aim is have full control of the car at all times, being kind to the engine, considerate to other road users, and thoughtful of how your driving can affect the comfort of your passengers.  Getting comfortable with the controls while you are driving is important such as using cruise control appropriately and safely, adjusting the air conditioning, putting lights and wipers on – all the things that you will be doing when you have passed your driving test.  Driving in the right gear for the speed, at a speed that reflects the driving conditions, with the ability to anticipate and plan for all the normal events that you can reasonably expect on a journey.  BIG TOM has a bank of driving videos to assist you here, they are so popular that they have been watched OVER HALF A MILLION TIMES!  If you are new to driving or have only a little experience, you can benefit from feeding this useful information into your long term memory even before you start on your BIG TOM Intensive Driving Course.  This is smart learning and will definitely help you to learn to drive quicker.

The second challenge of considering what affects your own driving behaviours is quite a personal journey that you are invited to go on.  It is a fact that each of us holds beliefs and attitudes within our minds that will affect our driving behaviours.  Sometimes these can be formed by our upbringing, the influence of those near to us, previous experiences, and other external influences which may not be quite so apparent like our attitude towards legal matters or speeding or wearing seatbelts or taking risks.  Prior to your course, you will be sent a string of exclusive BIG TOM private driving videos that will start to introduce some of these subjects to you and give you the chance to consider how you personally feel about them.  The real key to this is that no-one but you can truly affect how you feel about the responsibilities of safe driving.  You might say to a driving instructor that you do not intend to text on your mobile while driving, but once you pass your test you find that is precisely what you do!  But you will be given the opportunity to raise your awareness of your beliefs so that you can discuss coping mechanisms that are available to help you to be safe.  This is a vital difference of your training with BIG TOM, as it taps into the responsibilities of safe driving that go beyond the skills required to pass the driving test. 

Yes, we do want our customers to pass driving tests, but we also offer them the opportunity to self-evaluate what driving will mean to them and that is an essential aspect of safe driving.

Interested?  Call Tara now to discuss how we can help you to become a safe and “thinking” driver.


BIG TOM Driving School  Enquiries:  Sales: 07756 071 464



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