Anxiety when learning to drive

Managing stress levels when learning to drive is key for maintaining positive mental health. BIG TOM intensive driving courses are designed so that the mental and physical well-being of our pupils is monitored.  The resources provided help to cope with feelings of...

End of the road for driving?

With the latest figures for learning to drive being dramatically down – we ask “Is this the end of the road for learning to drive?” BIG TOM Admin have been busy collating the latest stats for BIG TOM customers: The numbers of people taking theory and...

New format driving test stats

The DVSA has just released an impact evaluation research report for the new format driving test that was introduced in December 2017 The report is publicly available and can be downloaded here Owner of BIG TOM, Tom Ingram says: “It is important for driving...

Two week intensive course

PASS THE TEST QUICKER – just like Stan did! Pupils who start and finish with us, get their licence quicker because they continue without interruptions.  FACT! BIG TOM Admin explains more: “Our 45 hour courses are incredibly popular.  You will not believe...

Shane passes driving test with zero faults

Congratulations to Shane Marsden from Fleet who has just passed his driving test in Boston committing no driving faults at all. He had a previous driving test attempt with a different driving school but failed the test.  He was able to reserve himself a BIG TOM...

Safeguarding Policy

In line with the BIG TOM Customer Charter, the issue of safeguarding is a priority. Pupils and instructors are working in a 1:1 learning environment which is surrounded by a framework of respect, dignity, safety and professionalism. BIG TOM Admin: “Our owner Tom...