Driving lessons for a 17th birthday present

Does it get any better than providing driving lessons for your Daughter or Son ON their 17th birthday?  Well…. very possibly yes!

At Big Tom Driving School we like to “get results”, but like most things in life, they rarely fall out of the sky and fall into our laps…. we need to plan in success.

So yes, you can organise getting a driving lesson as a present ON the 17th birthday.  We will even organise a driving lesson for 1 minute past midnight ON the 17th birthday.  And if you want to earn big respect, you could organise taking the theory test on the 17th birthday, you could even organise taking an Intensive Driving Course from the 17th birthday, and so within 2 weeks of the 17th birthday, your Son or Daughter could have passed the test, and be up and running for totally independent, mobile free life!  No more taxi service…. RESULT!

If you want to explore how Big Tom Driving School can help you plan success for your Son or Daughter with driving lessons on their 17th birthday, get in touch!  Most things are possible, they just need a little planning.

Big Tom Driving School – 0800 689 4174